All over Brittany there are hundreds of places to eat. Serving crepes, galettes, seafood and more but I found that my favorite way to have lunch was to buy a baguette and some pastries from a boulangerie and find a picnic bench to eat at in a little town somewhere. We did have a lovely lunch in Mont Saint Michel and in Pont-Aven at two little restaurants but a boulangerie lunch was my favorite. It's much cheaper, much fresher and really makes you feel like you are experiencing an important part of French culture.

I think it is much more fun to be driving around and just stop of in a little town and find a local boulangerie to eat in then to go to an expensive tourist packed restaurant. It makes the trip much more authentic and interesting. There are multiple boulangeries all over Brittany and at least one in each local town. The different pastries and cakes they provide are all unique and delicious and if you happen to be near a Charcuterie, pop in and grab some cheese or ham to go with your bread. So my advice to you is when visiting France stick to the boulangerie!
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this. Au revoir!