I have visited the Canary Island, Tenerife, over 10 times and by now you would think I'd be bored with it. No chance! I love the island and it has become one of my favorite holiday destinations because there is a lot you can do. Like visiting Siam Park. If you didn't know Siam Park is a huge Siamese/Thailand style water park on the island of Tenerife. On many of my visits to the island I have been to Siam Park because I love just relaxing and zooming down one of the huge tubes in a ring. But the busy crowds and long queues can sometimes get a bit tiring. So is Siam Park really worth a visit? Its time to find out!

For me and Juliana combined it cost 70 euros to get two basic tickets. We usually arrive together at 10:15 and leave at around 4:30 which gave us 5 hours and 15 minutes. It may seem like a lot of time but once you've queued for ages and got lunch the day is almost over. I have found that the park gets very crowded all year round but in the summer its horrendous. There are very few sunbeds available because of the huge amount of people piling into the park and although your dipping in and out of the water the park can get very hot and sweaty.
Another down point to the park is the fact that smokers seem to swarm around it like bees. As a family friendly park I find this highly controversial because there are no restrictions on where you can smoke. However, smoking is very common in Spanish countries so I guess if you can't deal with smoke then you just shouldn't go. Sadly, that's just how it is.

Queues. Long, slow queues. Although there are loads of rides, each ride still has incredibly long and tedious queues. Sometimes when standing in this queues I do wander what else I could be doing at that time. Where else I could be going. There has to be way more interesting things to to than stand in a queue for an hour just to spend 1 minute on a ride. You do have the option to purchase a fast pass however even in summer there can still be very long queues.

I think that I've decided that Siam Park really isn't worth a visit on every trip. So I think the next time I go away I won't be spending my time waiting in long queues surrounding my clouds of smoke. I'll be doing something different. I will be asking myself why I'm doing what I'm doing to make sure I'm making the most of every minute of my traveling.
Okay thank you so much for reading. Don't forget to subscribe and check out my other posts. Bye for now!